CHAPTER 89: Truth that kills

  My heart doubled in its beat and fear seized my entire being. I knew she heard the change in my heartbeat and notice the change in my being at the sight of her. I wanted to leave because I saw danger at the sight of her and I wanted to run as fast as I could, but I had locked myself in and knew Nicole would easily reach and harm me before I’d escape if he wanted to. I could scream and Damor would hear me from outside and come to the rescue, but that wouldn’t be quick enough. Nicole could reach out, and in a blink, do whatever she wanted.

  I was trapped with no escape. There was no winning in this situation.

  There was a malicious intent in her eyes as they stared at me from across the stall.

  I didn’t see death coming today, but evil wasn’t far away whenever she was close by.

  “What are you doing here, and how did you get in?” I demanded, my brows furrowing. “Haven’t you done enough?”

  “Done enough of what?”

  “Tell me you don’t have a hand in Tia’s death.”