Zera returned from putting Zion to bed like she had promised to and found Aaron seated quietly in bed facing the other side and deep in thought. She didn’t step away from the door, and neither did she make him know she was watching him. She stayed that way for a while. The happening had left him so lost in thought he didn’t even notice her presence.
After a few minutes passed in silence; she stepped further into the room. “What are you thinking about?”
He snapped out of his thought and turned to look at her, his eyes flickering. “You’re here.”
“For a while now,” she answered before asking again, “What are you thinking about?”
“The last crimson moon is a week away, hun,” he told her, stretching his hand out to her, and she moved into it.
They had first thought the accident and being a sage would ruin the ritual, but Ivan had embarked on a search for answers. He found out it didn’t ruin the ritual and instead reduce the amount of risk that would be involved for her.