My Clan's, Omnipresence And All Hidden Base Part 2: Booklet

Booklet Title: "Mystic Castle First Info Vol 1."


On a fated day, a phenomenon that no one could understand even left the True Creators baffled. A blinding light that swallowed All Existence emerges, at that moment, no one could resist or even stop the blinding light even the True Creators were hopeless, they even used their True Power which is forbidden to stop the light or understand what happens, however, all of that was futile. For the first time, every True Creator felt their first absolute defeat.


Without any hindrance, the Blinding light plunges All existence into bright white light.


The Light stayed for 10 seconds before dissipating.


At that very moment, an overwhelming change happened in All Existence brought by the blinding light.


This change was in the form of countless Mysterious Castle that suddenly appear in all places, wherever you are, and whenever you go, there will always be a Mysterious Castle.


We call this Mysterious Castle, Mystic Castle.


Mystic Castle's structure has similarities to a normal castle city. A castle city has three main structures, the castle town located behind the circular walls, the castle walls, and the castle itself located at the center of the castle town.

Mystic Castle is an unfathomable castle surrounded by a membrane-like barrier, Mystic Castle has three parts which is the Membrane-Like Barrier, The Unfathomable size Castle Domains behind the Barrier, and the Unfathomable size Unique Castle located at the center.

#3 Part OF Mystic Castle.

@Membrane Barrier.

@Castle Domains.

@Unique Castle.



Comparison of Mystic Castle parts to a normal Castle City.


@Castle Membrane Barrier = Castle Wall.

@Castle Domains = Castle Town.

@Unique Castle = Castle


@There are 24 known types of Mystic Castle.


1. Planetary Castle.

2. Pseudo Dimension Castle.

3. Moon Castle

4. Star Castle.

5. Star Orbital Castle

6. Galactic Castle.

7. Universal Castle.

8. Multiversal Castle.

9. Gigaversal/Outerversal Castle.

10. Megaversal Castle.

11. Dimension Castle.

12. Omniversal Castle.

13. Initiate Drifter Castle

14. First Void Castle.

15. Realm/Second Void Castle.

16. Beyond/Nameless Creation Castle.

17. Intermediate Drifter Castle

18. All Creation Castle.

19. Peak Drifter Castle.

20. True Void Castle.

21. Final Drifter Castle

22. Root Void Castle.

23. Origin Void/Origin Castle.

24. Chaos Plane Castle.




# Planetary Castle.

-Only found on every planet, the number of Mystic Planetary Castles on each planet depends on the size of the planet.


-It is connected to the will of the planet.


-Size description

@Size Of Mystic Planetary Castle outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 1,000 km diameter.


@Size when inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100 quintillionths Level Unknown.


# Pseudo Dimension Castle.

-Only found in every Pseudo Dimension, a pseudo dimension is a pocket dimension that is bound to the planet and is located at the very will of the planet. Examples of pseudo dimensions are hell, the spirit world, paradise, etc.


-The number of Mystic Pseudo Dimension Castle in each pseudo dimension depends on the size of the Pseudo Dimension.


-Size description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100,000 km diameter.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100 decillionth Level Unknown.


# Moon Castle.

-Only found on the Moon.


-there is only one Mystic Moon Castle in each Moon.


-it is connected to the will of the moon.


-Size description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100 km diameter.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 1 googolplex Level Unknown.


# Star Castle.

-Only found in a star, there is only one in each star.


-it is connected to the will of the star.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100,000km diameter.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100 googolplexes Level Unknown.


# Star Orbital Castle.

-Only found in a star system, orbiting its star like a planet.


-The number of Mystic Star Orbital Castles in a star system depends on the number of planets in a star system. For example, if there are 5 planets in a Star System, there will be 10 Mystic Star Orbital Castles in that particular star system.


-Size Description

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100,000 to indefinite km.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Galactic Castle.

-Only found in a galaxy.


-It was located outside the galaxy orbiting it like a planet.


- It is connected to the will of the galaxy.


-The number of Mystic Galactic Castle that was orbiting in each galaxy depends on the size of the galaxy. For example, a galaxy with a diameter of 100,000 light-years has 1,000,000,000 Mystic Galactic Castle orbiting it.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100 light years to indefinite.


@Size Inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Universal Castle.


-Only found in a universe, there is only one in each universe and always located at the center of the Universe.


-It was connected to the Universe's Will.


-The distance between all galaxies in the universe and the Mystic Universal Castle is always infinite, this phenomenon was caused by one of the Mystic Universal Castle's unknown number of unidentified abilities.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- Infinite Light year.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Multiversal Castle.

-Only found in the multiverse, there is only one in each multiverse and always located at the center.


-It is connected to the Multiverse Will.


-The Distance between all the universe in the multiverse and the Mystic Multiversal Castle is always True Infinite, this phenomenon was caused by one of the unidentified of unknown number of abilities of the Mystic Multiversal Castle.


-Size Description.

@Size Outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- True Infinite.


@Size Inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Gigaversal/Outerversal Castle.

-Only found in the Gigaverse, there is only one in each gigaverse.


-It was connected to Gigaverse will.


-The Distance between the Multiverse and the Mystic Outerversal Castle is always Beyond Infinite, this phenomenon is caused by one of the unidentified of unknown number of Abilities of the Mystic Outerversal Castle.


-Size Description.

@Size Outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- Beyond Infinite.


@Size Inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Megaversal Castle.

-Only found in the Megaverse, there is only one in each Megaverse.


-It was connected to the Megaverse Will.


-The Distance between the countless Gigaverse in the Megaverse and the Mystic Megaverse Castle is always beyond infinite.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- Beyond Infinite.


@Size Inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Dimension Castle.

-Only found in a Dimension, there is only one in each dimension.


-It is connected to the Will of Dimension.


-The Distance between the countless Megaverse in the Dimension and the Mystic Dimension Castle are always Unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Omniversal Castle.

-Only Found In the Omniverse, there is only one in each Omniverse.


-It is connected to the Will of The Omniverse.


-It has its own unique dimension, the size of this dimension is beyond all the dimensions that were found in the Omniverse, this Dimension was inaccessible to the beings that have a power lower than True Creators.


-The distance between the space of the Unique Dimension and the Mystic Omniversal Castle is always 5th level unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 5th Level Unknown.


@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Initiate Drifter Castle

-Only found in the deep empty spaces of the universe, multiverse, gigaverse, megaverse, omniverse, and the first void, there are countless of them in each space in each type of verse and first void.


-They are always drifting in deep expanses of the dark, empty, spaces of the Universe, Multiverse, Gigaverse, Megaverse, Omniverse, and First Void


-There are 5 classes, super small, small, medium, large, super large.


-Their size depends on what space of verses they are drifting in.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 1,000 km to true infinite.


@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# First Void Castle.

-Only found in the first void, there is only one in each void.

-The distance between the space of the first void and the Mystic First Void Castle is always 10th level unknown.


-Size description

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 10th Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Second Void/Realm Castle.

-Only found in the realm, there is only one in each realm.


-It will always be found at the center of every realm.


-The distance between the space of the realm and the Mystic Realm Castle is always 20th Level Unknown.


-Size description

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 20th Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Beyond/Nameless Creation Castle.

-Only found in the Beyond/Nameless Creation, there is only one in each Beyond and always located at the center.


-The distance between the space of Beyond and Mystic Beyond Castle is always 25th level unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 31st Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Intermediate Drifter Castle.

-Only found in all the dark and empty expanses of space in All Creation drifting without any direction.


-The size of Mystic indeterminate Drifter Castle depends on what space it was drifting


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- infinite to beyond infinite.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???



# Superior Void/All Creation Castle.

-Only found in a superior void, there is only one in each All Creation, and always at the center.


-The Distance between the space of All Creation and the Mystic Superior Void Castle is always 60th level unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 60th Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Peak Drifter Castle.

-Can be found drifting in all of the space in All Existence.


- The size of this thing will depend on what space that they are drifting in.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 1,000 km to Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# True Void Castle.

-Only found in the true void, there is only one Mystic True Void Castle in each True Void.


-The distance between the space of the true void and Mystic True Void Castle is always 100th Level Unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 100th Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Final Drifter Castle

-It drifts in all empty and void spaces true out of All Existence similar to Mystic Peak Drifter Castle.


-The outside appearance and size don't represent what was inside, that is the concept of this castle following.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 1,000 km


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???



# Root Void Castle.

-Only found in the Root Void, there is only one.


-The distance between the space of the root void and the Mystic Root Void Castle is always 150th Level Unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 150th Level Unknown


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


# Origin Void/Origin Castle.

-Only Found in the Origin Void, there are only.


-The distance between the space of the Origin Void and the Mystic Origin Castle is always 300th Level Unknown.


-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- 300th Level Unknown.


@Size inside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???


#Chaos Plain Castle.



-Size Description.

@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- Eternal Level Unknown.


@Size outside the Castle Membrane Barrier- ???