Chapter 6: The Loner’s Discovery

Norman, Dorothy, Angel, Dub, and T-bone were present in the hangar. Dub and T-bone had been keeping an eye on Beck's gadget with a tracking system he had left behind for them, but the signal had stopped transmitting a few hours ago. Dorothy and Angel had brought everyone some lunch. Now, they were sitting next to Norman, waiting. Norman looked at his watch.

"It might be a late dinner dear. It's almost 4 p.m."

Dorothy sighed and frowned. "Roger's taking forever. I'm getting worried."

"Chin up Miss Dorothy! Have faith in… Oh my heavens!"

The console lit up, now showing the location of the Prairie Dog and Roger's distress call. Dorothy felt her heartbeat catch in her throat. She looked at Angel, who also looked worried. Norman analyzed the map and contacted Roger.

"Master Roger, I see you have summoned the Prairie Dog…"

Norman heard gunshots in the background. He felt himself tense up, but powered through the emotion.

"Master Roger! Are you alright?"

"We're taking heavy gunfire here. But the underground's compromised. If I summon Big O, it'll cause it to collapse! How much longer until the Prairie Dog's here?"

"Ten minutes at least, sir!"

"Send a command for the Prairie Dog to drill down, Norman! I got a plan! Tell Dorothy, I'll be alright, and I'll see her soon!"

The comm link died. Norman turned to look at Dorothy, whose worry in her eyes was showing. He took her hand and held it tight.

"He has this dear, but I need your help. Can you help me send a signal to the Prairie Dog?"

She nodded, then shook her head, focusing on the task ahead of her, and began helping Norman prepare a signal for the Prairie Dog.


Lucille had given the order and guards stopped shooting. They had been in a fire fight with Beck and Dastun for a good portion of the ten minutes. Roger had been tracking the Prairie Dog. Beck and Dastun had taken out of some of Lucille's men, and she erred on the side of caution, not wanting to advance and be caught by surprise. But Beck and Dastun were nearly out of ammo. She began to walk forward, but Beck pointed his gun and fired at her from his cover.

"Beck!" yelled Roger, but the gunshots worked, and she stopped walking.

"You've been nothing but trouble, Negotiator! Now I see you have brought your friends into this, though it seems you're missing someone."

Roger kept an eye on his watch, programming the grappling hook. Dastun saw what he was doing and began doing the same with his comm link.

"Oh really? Well, if you're referring to my butler, he had something more pressing to attend to, like my dinner. Would be nice to know a name of whom I'm addressing, unless you're The Devil."

"That's my nickname, Negotiator. My name's Lucille. But you're not negotiating your way out of this one. You have things that belong to me, and I would like them back. How fast I get them back will determine the swiftness of your death."

"I have no intention of dying here today, Miss Lucille. But I have to ask. Why a cyborg? Surely someone with those curves could find better opportunities than as a cyborg assassin."

"Flattered, Mr. Smith. But I have my reasons. You've been nothing but a pain, and for someone who has developed a reputation as being a gentleman, smacking me on the head with a piece of rebar has really soured my mood. For the sake of the New World Order and mine, I will personally see to it that you die here today, and not interfere with our plans anymore. The rebirth will happen, your precious android/human girl and the President will be a part of it, and we will set right the world again! Now, give me back my things!"

Roger's watch sounded off; the Prairie Dog was here. He had moments until the enemy would figure out his plan. In his hand, he held the pepper spray canister Dorothy had put in his pack. Dastun checked his magazine and put it back.

"If you got another flash bang, that would be really handy right now," he whispered to Dastun.

Dastun nodded. "Just one more. Better make it count. I don't have much ammo left," he whispered.

"OH, THE HELL WITH THIS!" Beck began firing at Lucille, forcing her to move back with her guards. Yumi covered her ears, staying close to Beck.

Dastun switched spots with Roger and began firing as well. They paused, Beck reloading his gun, Dastun counting how many bullets he had left underneath his breath. Beck noticed Roger looking at the ceiling.

"Return fire, Crow Boy!"

"I don't carry a weapon! Not my style!"

But Roger's reply didn't sit well with Beck at all.

"ARE YOU A…" the enemy began firing once more at them, "… MORON? YOU CAME INTO DANGER WITHOUT BEING ARMED? YOU LITTLE…"

Beck tossed him his spare pistol. Roger caught it with his free hand, checking it, realizing he could use it on the canister of pepper spray.



But before Beck could finish threatening Roger, they heard the rumbling of the drill from the Prairie Dog.


The drill busted through the concrete of the underground, causing the men and Lucille to fall back from the falling debris and stop shooting. In the same moment, Roger yelled loud enough for Dastun to hear him.


Beck stepped from cover, firing his pistol in the general direction of Lucille and her men as Yumi and him began crossing over to Roger and Dastun. Dastun threw the flash bang in the direction of the enemy with all of his might while Roger threw the pepper spray canister and took two well aimed shots as it soared in the air. The attack was a success. The flash bang exploded around the same time the bullets met their mark, cause the canister to explode, and spray the chemical irritant everywhere. Their combined attack disabled the men chasing them, causing them to be stunned and disoriented, as well as suffering the effects of the chemical irritant. Roger covered his face as did Dastun.

Beck and Yumi held their sleeves over their noses and Roger saw the Prairie Dog reverse and extend a bar for the grappling hooks to catch on. However, one of the guards took aim and fired at Beck and Yumi crossing, grazing Yumi on her arm. She stopped just for a moment, wincing in pain, but Beck pulled her to where Roger and Dastun were. Beck was furious and red in the face, returned fire, hitting the guard.

Roger and Dastun fired their grappling hooks. Roger knew the distance would reach considering his time with Angel in the sea laboratory they had discovered the foreign megadeuses in. They met their mark.

"Dastun, take her and go. Beck, you're with me!"


"Shut up and let's go!"

Roger handed Beck back his gun. Beck grabbed a hold of Roger, Yumi grabbed a hold of Dastun, and in the midst of the smoke, falling debris, and chemical irritant, they made their escape back into the subway. They vaulted over the ledge, but not before they caught sight of Lucille, glaring at them below. She turned around, trying to gain speed for a running jump.

The group wasted no time, running to the Prairie Dog. Roger sent the signal for it to go into motion. Dastun reached it first and pulled Yumi on, then she disappeared into the caboose. Dastun helped Beck next, but the Prairie Dog began to move faster. Roger poured everything into keeping up with the Prairie Dog, despite his left side searing in pain. At the same time, Lucille jumped up along the sides of the underground wall, and fallen piles of rubble and debris, using her steel hands as picks to climb up and climbed into the subway. She stood up, and pulled out her gun, taking aim at Roger running.

"I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS BITCH!" bellowed Beck, and he pulled out his weapon, Roger saw it and moved off to the side as Beck fired in Lucille's direction. He fired first before she had time to react. The bullet found its mark, hitting her on the shoulder, causing her to fall over. Dastun held on to the railing offering Roger his hand.


Roger jumped and caught Dastun's hand, the Prairie Dog now gaining full speed. Beck put his gun away and helped Roger on to the Prairie Dog. They all climbed down the caboose, Roger shutting the valve door shut, falling down once he was done.

All of them were safe. All of them were gasping for air. All of them couldn't wait to get back to the mansion. Beck began tending to Yumi's wound while Dastun and Roger were laying on the floor, panting hard. Roger in particular was feeling his left side burning in pain, but he rather have that kind of pain than the alternative. But the one person who wasn't happy was Lucille. She glared at the Prairie Dog moving away. Even with her modifications, she knew could not keep up with the locomotive.

"Dr. Paneel and Dr. Pallack are not going to like this…" she muttered as she heard the subway grow quiet once more.

Dorothy heard the loud screeching of the Prairie Dog pulling onto the platform. Angel and Dorothy ran to where the Prairie Dog began pulling in. Roger was already on top of the caboose and jumped down.

"Norman, set the security system to Level 4. If anything approaches the underground entrance, shoot first, ask questions later. I'm in no mood to deal with anything right now."

Dorothy ran to him, hugging him. Roger was caught off guard but draped his arm around Dorothy.

"I'm alright. I need to help Norman, okay?"

She nodded, pulling away. The others began to climb out. Angel ran to Dastun, embracing him tightly. He didn't know how to take it at first, but held her and moved her off the platform, Dorothy following them. Beck jumped down and helped Yumi down carefully, her arm bleeding through the bandage he had done for her on the ride back.

"Go with Dub and T-bone. I need to have a talk with Crow Boy."

She nodded and scampered off to where they were, pulling out her device to see what data had been recorded by their transmitter.

Roger was helping Norman load Big O back to his position in the hangar, and setting up the security system. Beck approached him, and without warning, slugged Roger so hard in the face that it knocked him down.

"You… DUMB ASS! You go down there without being armed and put my people in danger? Yumi got shot because of your stupid rule! Then I have to save your neck, AGAIN? You fucking moron!"

Beck aimed a well-placed kick into Roger's left side, causing Roger to gasp in pain. Norman went to draw his pistol, but Roger held his hand up.

"Let Beck say his peace, Norman! Stay out of this," Roger gritted through his teeth, as he slowly got to his feet, holding his left side.

Dorothy began to run after them, trying to stop the fight, but Dastun grabbed hold of her and shook his head.

"I need to stop this! Let go!"

"You'll only get in the way."

"Dan, LET GO OF ME!"

"I will not. Roger's told Norman to stay out of it, and so the same goes for you. Let them figure this out."

Dorothy glared at Dastun, but Angel laid a gentle hand on Dorothy's shoulder. She nodded at her, and Dorothy stopped struggling.

Beck couldn't hold back his fury anymore.


Beck threw a punch, but Roger was ready, and blocked it.

"If you wanna fight Beck, let's get this over with!" yelled Roger and they began fighting in earnest.

Norman took a few steps back, giving them space. Each throwing jabs, punches, and kicks, trying to find the one spot to bring the other down. Their grunts echoed throughout the hangar. Roger connected a few times on Beck's face and chin, and Beck responded in kind. Both were evenly matched. At some point, both broke skin on each other's face and began bleeding. Then Beck timed a well place kick and knocked Roger onto the ground. Beck climbed on top and began laying into Roger, every blow he could find an opening, his frustration being felt in every blow against Roger. Roger grunted in pain. Dorothy hands turned into fist, shaking.

Come on, Roger.

Beck's entourage were trembling in the corner as they had never seen him so angry before. Yumi herself was terrified, but the events from the underground were still on her mind. Beck threw his hands once more, but Roger had enough and caught them, now on the ground in a power struggle. He gritted his teeth and in one movement, rolled, Beck now on the ground, but Roger didn't get a good position. Beck managed to kick Roger off of him, and they rose to their feet. Roger spat blood, his left eye red and swollen, and took a moment to catch his breath.

"You fight dirty," Roger growled at Beck.

"I fight to win," sneered Beck.

Beck charged Roger, but Roger was ready this time. As Beck threw his punch, Roger turned his back into Beck and flipped him over onto the floor. Roger dropped, beating Beck anywhere he could make contact with. At some point, he busted Beck's nose, and now Beck was covered in blood. Beck, his anger boiling over, kicked Roger, knocking him forward. This allowed Beck to grab Roger in a headlock before rolling again, Roger now on the ground once more. He hit Roger's left side multiple times, Roger gasping and yelling in pain from each blow. He saw Beck's tie hanging from him and grabbed it. Roger pulled Beck down into a head lock. Beck struggled, trying to free himself, but Roger positioned his feet, placing his elbow on Beck's sternum.

Roger launched himself into a roll, briefly in the air as he came down on top of Beck. His elbow delivered the blow, causing Beck to gasp for air. Then Roger continued his assault, punching Beck with everything he had left in him. He continued until the pain from his left side was too much to bear, and he stopped, rolling over, gasping for air. Both were now lying on the ground, panting. They both laid there for a moment, catching their breath. Roger then slowly got to his feet, staring down at Beck.

"Let me… make one thing… clear. I AM NEGOTIATOR, Beck! It's who I chose to be and by making that choice, there are rules and standards I will follow. MY RULES AND STANDARDS! Let it be known, I will not compromise who I am, what I believe in, and what I stand for while figuring this out! You were never forced into this. Dorothy and I only asked for your help related to the mysterious ongoings of the expansion project. Do NOT question my methods or my abilities. There's a reason why I have the best negotiating firm in the city."

Beck laid there on the floor, bloodied and panting. Dastun gave a satisfied smirk and released his hold on Dorothy. Roger continued speaking to Beck.

"The city's in danger, and now, that scope of that danger has been revealed to us. The select few of this city don't give a damn, and wouldn't do the same for us, but you and I know it's different when it comes to the majority. If you want to sit this one out, fine by me. But if you want to help the people who live in this city and protect them from this enemy, then you and I are united under the same cause! I'll do everything in my power to protect those that I care about, and the world we live in. But I'll defend myself the best way I see fit! Count on it!"

"So now he gets it…" Dastun muttered.

Dorothy looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"A long time ago, when Roger was in the Military Police, he was nearly gunned down by a murderer we were tracking. I saved his life, but I told him one who's not capable of protecting himself cannot save others. It seems he finally tapped into his resolve. I guess he doesn't want to worry anyone else anymore."

Dorothy looked back at Roger, understanding what Dastun met in his last sentence, a small smile now forming. It seems Roger's ongoing self-doubt in himself had abated at last. Roger, still holding his left side, offered his right hand to Beck, to help him up. Beck, now exhausted from the events, stared at Roger. There was no anger anymore, only confusion, and a realization that he had lost the fight. He grunted, and grabbed Roger's hand. Roger pulled him up. Beck didn't let go of it.

"I maybe a businessman, but even I have my limits and standards. You'll have my help until this is over, and not a day more. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to wash this blood off of me…"

"Bathroom's off to the right over there, behind me. Knock yourself out," said Roger, pointing behind him.

Beck's entourage came and helped him over to the bathroom. Dorothy ran back to Roger, Norman handing her a towel. She tried to clean Roger up, but he kept moving away.

"Ow… ow… OW! Dorothy, that hurts!"

"Speak for yourself. You could've handled that differently."

"It seems Beck understood what I told him, and I got my point across."

"Roger Smith, hush while I clean you up," she said, while shaking her head.

Norman came over with the first aid kit and began helping Dorothy. Angel turned to look at Dastun, who turned pink.

"Well, I take it you heard everything," he said, and gave a nervous smile.

"I did, including the gun fire in the background," said Angel, amused.

"Does this mean I'm still in the doghouse?"

"That depends."

"Depends on what?"

Angel shrugged. "Never mind. I'm just glad you're here. I'm sorry, about this morning…"

Dastun smiled and squeezed her shoulder. "Don't worry about it."

"WILL YOU TWO STOP DOING THAT? THAT HURTS!" yelled Roger as Norman and Dorothy began applying rubbing alcohol to his cuts on his face.