
Where do I begin?

As of right now, things have been a bit rough on my end, personally, so this is one of the few things that continues to bring me joy. For those that stuck with me throughout this journey, I am grateful for your continued support. For those that are joining me, welcome! It's a pleasure to have you along for the ride. I hope you enjoy the series.

Beck has been fun to write, and now, he kinda takes some of the stage from Roger. Beck is more loosey goosey and Roger is more linear. But exploring these two characters has been fun, as well as the others. I remember Hitoshi Ariga saying Beck was more curvy while Roger was more blocky in the manga. I think there is some truth to that in terms of their styles and design.

The views keep adding up and it's amazing how many people are tuning in and reading this. I am so amazed and grateful… there are so many words right now I want to say, but this continued and outpouring support has just been amazing. I'm at a loss for words, but know I am so thankful and appreciative. And, with everything going on right now, as of this posting, I really do appreciate it.

Until the next one, friends. I'll see yah soon!

