His eyes are everywhere

Slouching on her chair, Olivia queries her Artificial Intelligence–Neo, "what am I to expect today?"

[What would you like to know, Miss Olivia?]

"I have a feeling I'm missing something... I want to watch the news."

[The news is on]

The television was set to an electronic news channel, which was broadcast live over the internet. The video feed was coming from a network news station in Hilden.

A blonde lady sat at one of their desks and began speaking: "Broadcasting live is what could be seen as the gory remains of a middle-aged woman by the name Laurel Cullen who had been stabbed multiple times by her husband–Gregg Cullen..."

As she spoke, images were displayed behind them showing pictures of the victim's body being removed from inside his house to be taken away for examination; blood splatter patterns around where she had died while blood dripped down the stairs and onto the floor below.

There followed pictures that showed a man identified as her husband being arrested by police officers.

Facing the camera, he struggles to be set free and cries out loudly, "you have the wrong man! I was framed!!! Why the hell would I kill my wife?!!"

His eyes well up in tears as he stares at his wife being wheeled away with paramedics trying desperately not to look him straight into those tear-filled orbs before they leave through the door.

Tackled to the floor by the police, he repeatedly shouts his innocence and his displeasure on being detained and accused unjustly. "Someone did this, some fuc–"

Then suddenly everything goes dark when the screen cuts off.

"This ends our broadcast day here on HIDTV News Channel 6H. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us this morning. Good day everyone."

Olivia says nothing until after the news ended.


She let out a yell in rage while staring at her heels lodged in the screen and bitterly remarks. "He is ruining the high hopes that I placed in the awakeners!!!"

Looking back towards the window overlooking the street outside, Olivia then turned her attention again to her tablet laying on the table.

Picking it up, she taps the screen twice and her AI's consciousness is transferred with its silver hexagonal logo beeping as it speaks.

[Would you like to know what was the result of the arrest, Miss Olivia?]

Reluctantly clicking the yes icon, she sees another story about the murder case involving Gregg Cullen. He was still claiming his innocence but there wasn't any evidence proving otherwise so far.

His trial date will take place next month according to reports made available online two hours after the arrest.

A new article popped up saying that some witnesses claimed to see the accused leave his home in a rage, then after a blackout, they came over to inspect and found him kneeling beside his dead wife with a broken frame in his hand.

'He did this, that sly awakener.' Olivia mutters and wipes down her face.

It was all starting to make a lot of sense and the reason Rayden had wanted the capture of the siblings.



A message pops up on her screen.

[Miss Olivia, you have 1 unread encrypted message request.

From: Aimi

Message Body: It would have been so easy to get the flash drive and capture him if it weren't for your order, ma'am.

Nevertheless, he meets with the target tomorrow at Honey Petals restaurant. I have hopes you can intercept the meetup without me having to use force. If possible, please capture the blonde so I can have some fun.]

Laughing aloud at the latter, Olivia closes the message.

Afterward, she looks out the window to see a black car pull up outside her building.

Outside the car, a young boy wearing headphones over his short black hair looks straight up at her with those beady blue eyes.

Besides him is someone else whom Olivia recognizes instantly.

Standing tall beside the boy was none other than Rayden himself dressed elegantly in suit pants and a jacket with a white shirt underneath. His hair was neatly combed, and he looked handsome beyond comparison.

With no time wasted, she opens the doors and steps forward carefully.

As she makes her way past the railing watching the duo step closer together and talk quietly among themselves.

"Rayden, dearie! Aiden!"

Both turn toward her voice upon hearing her call out.

But just before she could greet her little brother, Aiden ducks under her outstretched arm for a hug and walks right past, turning around and blowing a raspberry.

"Coil me not when I gambold, thou whoreson Zed, thou unnecessary letter!!! {Do not disturb me while I play my games, forgotten one!!!}" Aiden yells out as he runs up the stairs leaving Olivia alone to face Rayden.


Looking over her shoulder, she hisses in her thoughts, 'rude little brat!'

"Cut the crappy act, Livia. He just returned from his vacation in Trodes, give him some privacy." Rayden says, calmly walking across the hall towards her.

She leans against the wall, carefully scanning each CCTV, hoping to record every word she and Rayden say.

Still, she remained wary.

Noticing how tense she is, he says with a mildly amused smile, "Do you have any nagging issues? Recently, you've seemed somewhat jittery. Are you sure everything is okay?"

Taking hold of her shoulders gently yet firmly, he raises her chin to face him.

'This isn't his office, there's no way he could attempt anything.'

Shaking her head, she flashes a smile and brushes off his hand. "I'm fine."

Rayden takes a step back and looks around for a while. "Why hasn't Neo responded to my presence yet?"

"It expresses my mood, but recently, it has gained advanced consciousness and would act the way any human would to a stranger," Olivia replies with a wicked grin.

In a flash, Rayden closes the space between them and grabs her by the cheek, pressing on it till she pouts.

Olivia stares at him with determination in her eyes as she responds to his sudden action. "Do... wemember... thish... ish... my... home!"



Rayden raises a brow at her words, looking around him as drones surround them while pointing red lasers at him as the perceived threat.

He sighs, lowering his hands slowly to release her cheeks.

"You got yourself little toys..." Rayden mocks, pushing back his hair and turning his back against her to let out a burst of maniacal laughter.

One of the drones scans his face and a glitch flashes on its screen, causing it to reconfigure its orders and shoot at the next three on its left.




A chain of explosion occurs causing several shards to fly everywhere.

Olivia gasps and stumbles backward falling on her ass as she avoids debris, quickly drawing her arms close to cover herself.

Staring wide-eyed at the mess scattered on the floor, she tries to wipe off the fragments stuck to her dress.

Watching her struggle, Rayden laughs heartily. "What you seem to have forgotten is that they are my toys and ultimately listen to my orders! It would be best if you don't play such silly tricks with me, Livia."

Shaking his head, he lets out a sigh of disappointment and mutters a curse under his breath. "Fuck! I lost my cool again."

Wiping down his face, he forces a smile and calmly offers his hand to her, and says. "I need us to have a lovely time together as per father's orders, could we just do that?"

Olivia cast a downhearted look at the floor, disappointed in herself for falling in love with such a man. 'Is it just because of my father-in-law? How did I not see this?'

Reluctantly taking his hand, she was pulled off the ground and into a warm embrace.

Pulling her closer so she had her bust pressed against him, Rayden leans forward for a whisper.

His chilly voice sent shivers down her spine as she listened to his words, "my sources say you have tabs on the anomaly I desire..."

'How did he...'

Utilizing the position they were in, she made sure to put on a stoic look as she pushed off him with her hand on his chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about, neither does that concern my operation. I'm just a scientist, remember?" She replies while rolling her eyes.

"You know how much I believe in you." Rayden said before continuing, "you will get my task done, right? You wouldn't break my trust, right?"

Subconsciously, she nods her head to his questions.

"I won't." She replies with a smile.

Pleased with her answer, he nods his head and sounds a fair warning, "I have eyes everywhere, Livia."

Snapping back to reality, Olivia blinks several times, realizing she has fallen for his tricks yet again.

Walking ahead, Rayden takes one more step and looks behind him. "I have ordered the best dish from a restaurant, it will arrive soon."

Olivia has a cold sweat trail down her forehead at the mention of the word 'restaurant'.

'Could he have known about that?' She wonders.

The more she stared at him, the more his grin only seemed to grow to a disturbing degree.

Breaking the silence, Rayden speaks with an endearing smile. "I have a surprise for you, one that would aid greatly in your research."


Olivia looks down at her wristwatch, seeing a notification pop up.

Clicking on it, a holographic display pops up. Reading its content, her eyes widened as the information sank in.

"How... how... did you get this?"


Author's note

¶ Do check out the weekly auxiliary chapter[Bonus chapter task] to know how you can participate.