Old goats lusting on a young teen

A stunning, naked lady stands amidst the smoke, her skin covered in a layer of ash, exuding a sense of defiance and strength.

She stands tall, towering above Stokes.

The lady turns around slowly, surveying each person present. Finally, she looks at the horrified scientist. Her face contorts slightly upon seeing them all staring at her.

A smile spreads across her lips, showing perfect white teeth. The sight of her happy expression is a stark contrast to the look of horror on the face of the scientist.

She steps closer to him, holding out a hand.

A bright green glow outlines his body as she scans him for basic information.

"Mr. Stokes," she says in a monotonous voice, causing him to jump to his feet.

Stokes' heart pounds loudly against his chest while sweat beads heavily along his forehead.

"What… what did you say?!" Stokes stammers nervously.