No one would dare bully my sister

Three days ago,

"Please don't damage it," says Rai quietly to Lila. "Would you want to kill me or anyone on our team?"

Lila shakes her head and responds with a simple 'No!'.

She is sitting on a chair watching as he carefully modifies the gloves on her hands to blend in with her skin tone.

"I hope you don't mind that we have to do another test run," says Rai, looking up at Lila. "It's your brother's orders, after all."

"Why do I need to do this again?" asks Lila, rubbing her wrists.

"Because I need it to be perfectly functional for your school tomorrow," Rai says.

He picks up a scalpel and moves to cut a small piece off the glove.

"I don't want to go to school," exclaims Lila, holding her hands up. "Can't I just stay with brother Sylve in here? It's much safer with him."