Aim at Rai

Patting the director on the shoulder, Sylvester replies calmly while looking straight into his eyes, "it's only half the truth. He's not lying about not having access to the records, but there's someone here who does have access to them."

Rai looks back and forth between both of them before asking curiously, "who could that possibly be?"

The director looks away nervously as beads of sweat form on his forehead.

"All I need is a description of that person, and my job will become much simpler. Everything else will be handled by me after that. You don't want me or anyone I send after them to hurt your family, do you?" Sylvester threatens him with a gun pointed at his face.

The man shakes his head vigorously, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I-I'll talk! I swear I won't lie anymore!" The director cries out desperately, trying to save himself from death.