It's proven?

'I'm still alive?'


'What's that sound?' a boy asks in his thoughts as he slowly opens his eyes and is met with a blinding illumination from the fluorescent light above.

Wincing at the strain, he closes his eyes to seek shelter in the darkness he has become accustomed to.

"Too much?" teases an all-too-familiar male voice.

Taking three steps forward, a shadow is cast over the boy. The cold gaze of the head scientist stares down at him.

The man has a silver tag of 'Dr. Damian Reed' strapped to the pocket of his white lab coat.

The boy slowly made another attempt to open his eyes, utilizing the shadow cast over him.


Damian sneers with contempt, pinches the bridge of his nose, and shakes his head. "You're a disappointment," he says.

Damian looks to his side and at one of the scientists who nods in understanding before dimming the light with a press of a switch.