You can't get away from me

In a secret settlement,

The flooring was made up of fully automated, white molded strips that gave a soft hum with each pressure from the steps of the outlaws as soon as they entered.

The interior is equipped with four motion-detecting light switches, which flickered on and off.

Several video cameras mounted on the corners of the metal walls, which were all searching for signs of movement, stopped and zoomed in on the team.

Pointing at the first camera, Dahlia called out to Rai. "It's best if you stay out of the control room and let someone else take your watch."

Rolling his eyes at the screen, Rai spoke to the microphone. "It's not my fault you all took so long to get back."

Slipping into view, Adam waved to the rest. "It's been about an hour, what took you guys so long?"

Ignoring Adam, Dahlia turned to the rest, debriefing the three awakeners.