Personal business

'He's a bit suspicious,' Summer thought to herself as they drove through the busy streets of Washington DC.

Having seen his fancy car more than once without really checking the brand on it, she knew that Andrew had a nice ride all to himself. And so, she was surprised when he asked if she minds driving them to the club's restaurant in her car.

She would've dismissed the entire thing as a coincidence had it not been for the prophecy that forced her to place meaning on every little thing around her. There was another reason why the request didn't sit well with her, it would've probably been fine if her date was any other guy. However, Andrew Wilson who sat with his phone glued to his hand instead of even trying to make small talk with Summer wasn't the impulsive type at all. Much like her, he tended to think ahead and figure out the end result before acting a certain way.

Having been on a cold war with him professionally for more than half a year now, Summer kept questioning his motives.

She was sweating again.


"Sounds like your car could use a trip to the mechanic," he pointed out as he opened his window.

She frowned, not appreciating him dissing her Mini. Then she flinched when he made a confusing sound; it was somewhere between a snort and a bark.

Summer tilted her head Andrew's way without averting her eyes from the road ahead and wondered whether the temperature inside her car was making him uncomfortable. 'Is this why he opened the window?'

"You looked like you could use some fresh air," Andrew answered her unvoiced question.

She frowned, 'Does he have a similar detector to the one Gabe has inside his head?' Andrew seemed to be able to read her mind somehow. In her peripheral vision, she registered how he continued staring at her and felt half of her face heating up not so long after.

It was strange.



"You just drove by the club without stopping,"

She fought the urge to hit the brakes, "Why didn't you say something!" She squeaked, "It's not like I've been there before!"

"Not many people would miss it,"

Summer threw a quick glance at her side mirror before she argued some more, she was immediately glad she didn't argue, the club's exterior was very uniquely designed, it was one of those road marks she'd use while giving somebody else directions.

"Sorry about that," embarrassment was vivid in her tone.

"Park behind the…" he trailed off as she drove at the speed of a turtle now. "Er, behind that Land Rover,"

Summer sent a silent thank you prayer to the universe, though she had no interest nor knowledge about cars other than her Mini Cooper whatsoever, she knew which car the man referred to as it stood there dominating all of the other cars around it. Otherwise, Summer would've been embarrassed twice within a minute.

"This will be bad for my Mini's ego," she murmured to herself as she parked behind the huge monster.

As soon as she pulled the parking brake up, Andrew unbuckled his seat belt and hurried out of the door. She froze as her eyes followed him while he made his way across the front of her Mini and stopped at her side then opened the door for her.

Summer had to make sure her jaw was firmly closed in order not to look like an idiot as she got out. Her date kept on surprising her tonight.

"Thank you?" She said, stopping between him and the opened door.

"…That sounds like a question,"

Summer smiled as she closed the driver's door, "It's just… I didn't take you for this type of a man,"

"You mean a gentleman?" He asked with an edge.

Summer peeked up at him, "No, it's not that. I just realized that we can't assume we know each other just because we've been colleagues for a long time now,"

There was a quiet moment between them, then Andrew confidently held his arm out with his elbow bent, she understood that he wanted her to put her hand on his arm, she placed it there without hesitation.

"Let's go inside," he said.

Summer nodded with a smile, she knew that Andrew came from a rich family, and having been cousins with Carol, there was a high possibility for them to run into some of his acquaintances in the club, it was only natural that he'd act like this with his date.

'Stay cool,' she thought to herself as she walked next to him. Being on the taller side, it was always pleasant for Summer to be with somebody whose height allowed her to wear heels comfortably.

A few steps before they reached the entrance, a much taller figure got out of the restaurant. She felt the slightest tug on her hand that was on her date's arm as she looked up at Andrew, and his face became unfathomable looking straight ahead. When she followed his line of sight, she finally understood what had bothered him since it bothered her as well.

The guy with the physique of an NBA player was their CEO.

He looked completely oblivious to their existence as he was lighting a cigarette, and they consciously approached him after the two of them simultaneously switched back into their work mode and wore the work smiles that they saved for senior management.

Valentine's head snapped in their direction once Summer's heels became extremely loud in her ears all of a sudden. And her observation about her date's height seemed all wrong once a few feet separated her date and her boss.

Valentine Hosek was huge.

"Mr. Hosek," Andrew called out.

Valentine turned his head away and blew the smoke there then looked back at them, he locked eyes with Summer.

"Hello," she said while giving him the sweetest smile she could muster hoping that he won't ask her to call him by his first name once more.

"Hello," Valentine extended his right-hand Summer's way, she left Andrew's arm in a hurry to shake hands with the big boss and then watched as he shook hands with Andrew too.

Valentine's eyes flickered between both of his employees, then they settled on Summer, "It's quite a coincidence to see both of you here, are you out on your famous date?"

"Haha..ha...famous..." Summer laughed awkwardly.

"Yes, she's my date, what about you Mr. Hosek, what brings you here?"

Valentine brought the cigarette up to his lips then breathed the smoke in slowly, he held it in for a short moment with his eyes on Summer, then he turned his head to the side and exhaled with a smile, "I'm here on personal business,"

Both men smiled as they silently stared at each other.