On the yacht with the CEO!

Summer unbuckled her seatbelt and went out of her Mini in South West Washington DC right by the Capital Yacht Club.

She had more than one problem.

First of all, her team was fuming back at Hosek Holding. She was honest with them about everything that had happened, then she made it clear that she won't tolerate any more gossip once they started wasting her time complaining. It was her first time being strict with them, and it didn't feel good at all.

It was a good thing that she didn't have much time to feel bad about it.

On the other hand, she'd never been on board a yacht her entire life, and the last thing she wanted right now was to look like a newbie in front of the big boss.

She was wondering whether or not she should start the inspection first when an oddly familiar-looking Land Rover parked facing her Mini. It took her a couple of minutes to remember why it was familiar as Valentine Hosek got out and closed the driver's door behind him. She had already seen this car in front of another club only a day before.

It was either the car or the man who was walking her way looking like he owned the very earth beneath him, but the whole thing felt like an advertisement for a very manly product. Summer just failed to name what product that was.

'His sunglasses, or maybe...his watch?'

He smiled, "Sorry you had to come here alone, I was out when you called me," he said as soon as he reached her.

"That's absolutely fine,", 'That's one thousand times better,' she secretly wondered how mentally demanding it would've been to spend the long ride all alone with him.

He took his sunglasses off and eyed her Mini, "You could've taken one of the Holding's cars,"

Summer shook her head, "I like my car," she said half joking, half serious.

"…So it seems,"


The Yacht was a wonder to behold.

It was perfect to comfortably accommodate the forty VIP guests Jade Hosek and Summer spoke about, and it came with a swimming pool in the middle of its upper level, Summer planned to set the brunch tables around the pool, leaving enough space for the small stage she rented. That will go in the far Eastern corner of the level where the band her team hired can stand and perform.

Summer was very satisfied.

"I'm almost happy the venue was changed," she said with a drunk smile on her face after having mapped out everything with the rental service focal point. Then she glanced sideways at the statue next to her.


'He's awfully silent,' She noted with her eyes lingering on the boss's stoic face, he was very enthusiastic at the beginning, but she could almost sense his mood darkening for some time now. 'Well, it's either that or my stomach,' Summer learned that one can get seasick onboard of a yacht even if it wasn't sailing.

She flinched when she was caught staring at him, "I assume our work here is done?" He asked.

"Yes!" She turned around and shook hands with the focal point of the rental service focal point and gave him her business card. "We'll keep in touch, thank you so much, it was a pleasure meeting you,"

"The pleasure is all mine," the man purred.

"Let's go, Ms. Taylor," Valentine said with an edge of unfamiliar authority.

Summer struggled not to frown; it was a struggle on top of a struggle as she looked ahead and dreaded the sight of the stairs she'd have to climb down. She was already having a hard time walking on a flat surface without dragging her right foot.

Valentine Stopped next to the first step and gave her a pointed look.

A wave of disappointment washed over Summer, 'After everything my team and I had to go through and still are,' the CEO's words from earlier still rang in her ear, he wanted the best of the best for his cousin and he even gave her a budget without a ceiling, she was sure at this point that her boss was not happy about something.

"Mr. Hosek," she stopped next to him and tilted her head back to make eye contact, "You have to let me know what's bothering you, sir, we're still here... I know we're short on time and all, but it's really all meaningless if the representative of my client is dissatisfied at this point. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work around it," her tone was sincere.

His usually warm brown eyes looked harder than usual, "Do I even have the luxury of voicing my concerns at this point?"

That was not what Summer had expected. 'If YOU don't have the luxury then who does?' was what she wanted to retort with but didn't. The man in front of her was the definition of a prodigy, and so she thought it would be safe to assume that he was smarter than her. But she was already determined to do her best and treat him like any other customer. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to deal with the situation because of all the stress that she'd be under.

She gave him an equally hard look, "Then it is the way it is, Mr. Hosek. You're someone who leads by example. Who am I to ask you the same question twice?" She asked with just the right amount of equilibrium between polite and sarcastic.