The object of his interest

The determination on Patrick's face wavered when he saw Summer paling instead of flushing. He was determined to kiss her right then and there and make her see just how much he feels for her, but her response was a slap on his face.

He chickened out.

"I need to go wipe that water," she said with wide eyes that asked him to back away and give her enough personal space.

He snatched the cloth from her hand and went back to where he was sitting then wiped the water.

feeling vulnerable all of a sudden, Summer hugged herself, "I think both of you should go now," she said from where she stood in her kitchen.

"…Don't do this," Gabe's voice was small. He hated the idea of leaving her alone right now so much, but he also wouldn't go as far as staying in her place without her approval. He regretted his outburst from earlier but witnessing how she let a silly fortune teller influence her decisions that much was driving him crazy.