Valentine's determination

"No," Harrison said with a clear unfaltering tone.

Tears stung Summer's eyes at how everything was happening too fast and rolling in the wrong direction altogether.

"Harrison…" Vivian's tone shook and crackled as she spoke her husband's name, "Honey, why don't you come and join me in the kitchen and leave Mr. Hosek here a chance to speak to Summer alone,"

He looked at his wife with a set of burning green eyes, feeling utterly bewildered by her reaction.

Vivian's resolve was further solidified, "We're all adults here," she said with a raised eyebrow now.

Mike was by his father's side a second later and patted his back, slightly nudging him forward in the process, and Summer's father unwillingly left the room with her older brother, but her younger brother didn't move an inch.

"Gabe…" She pleaded.