A prank that had gone the worst way possible (part two)

"Come on," she waved a dismissive hand and pretended to smile, "Whatever it is, things will never become that bad between the two of us," she said with an unsure tone.

While she was trying to keep up a professional frontier in front of him, the level of her confidence that she'd be able to maintain her camouflage for much longer was declining fast. 

Andrew too looked like he disagreed with her fragile certainty, "Over the many months the two of us worked together, I was mean to you on more than one occasion, and I already explained my reasons…Or excuses," he corrected but did so more to himself than to Summer, "Do you mind if I stood up for this?" He asked when the usually cool-headed and well composed man couldn't sit still any longer.

"Sure," she kept her tone even but stood up too.