The one who had to explain (part one)

Summer had a hand on her forehead pressing hard where her headache was, but the headache just wasn't going anywhere.

She was in her Mini Cooper once more as per the instructions she received from her anxious bodyguard about safety, but there were plenty of cars around her now. Three of them matched the black BMW that her self-proclaimed designated bodyguard drove, in addition to an ambulance and a police car.

Many things happened during the last half an hour.

First of all, David, the bodyguard, explained to her that he had run a security check for the car that stopped to help her. That he was almost certain that the man who called himself Drake was a car thief. She was too shaken by that information to ask him exactly how he reached that conclusion, and she didn't fully trust him either. Because with her luck, Summer was convinced that both Drake and David were psychos back then.