The Summer matter (part two)

"You know me, I will tell you what I think regardless of how blunt it might appear on the outside," Carol defended her entire demeanor after a long moment of silence that hovered over the two women who still sat around the meeting table.

Summer tilted her head, "How much did Andrew tell you,"

Carol wasn't surprised that Summer understood that Andrew had confided in his cousin, she was one of the brightest people she had met in her life, and she would've been surprised if she didn't conclude that much already, "He told me that he had been a jerk towards you, that he made a mistake after another," she was putting words in her cousin's mouth but she was only able to do so because she knew him better than anybody else, "He was a mess,"

"I'm sure he was," Summer said flatly, remembering his face, "Is he not gracing us with his appearance this Monday?"