Look who’s at the door (part two)

On a mystical afternoon full of surprises, Valentine Hosek and a woman who never shares her name with anybody sat behind an oval table in the Hosek's luxurious dining room. The man who visibly relaxed once the mother that he had continuously ignored was no longer an intruder to the conversation was staring with a calm façade, his eyes not leaving the fortune teller's dark ones even for a second, while she sat back and extended the same courtesy, staring at him with an earnest calm expression mirroring his fake one but doing it like a pro. 

He clicked his tongue, "You never cease to amaze me,"

She grinned showing him her colorful set of teeth, "I have this effect on people,"

Valentine visibly cringed when she took his insult as a compliment, then he watched as her eyes went up to look at Rickie behind him, "My companion was sent away, isn't it only fair if your companion gets out too?"