Dead on the inside

Night came over Washington DC. As dark and hollow as how Valentine felt his heart was. He had combed the streets once more for his lost Summer. Something inside of him told him that the situation was far worse than how it was.


He found himself at his parents' doorstep, he had promised himself not to seek the fortune teller on his own ever, but desperate times called for desperate measures.


When she opened the door for him before he even knocked, he wasn't surprised at all.


Her eyes pierced through him, "Here you are, once again..." she said as if she had the ability to read his mind.

At this point, not even that possibility surprised Valentine, "You knew that I was coming," he breathed out, the pain in his chest becoming harder and harder to ignore with each passing minute.

"I saw your car through the window," She said with an innocent tone that didn't match her amused eyes.