
Summer slumped down when she figured out what she had done. Valentine had told her that elevators won't work without the special card that he held during a drill, and while she got the door closing without the card, it was all the reaction she could get out of it.

*Knock, Knock,*

"Summer," Valentine sounded out of breath, "You shouldn't stay here alone, I will open the door now so you can get out of here and we'll do whatever it is that you want, alright?"

"NO!" Summer sobbed feeling a slight shiver because of how tortured the man outside sounded. "WHY DO YOU CARE ANYWAY!" She regretted saying the words immediately. But all of her guilt evaporated when she heard the sound of arguing coming from outside. When she paid a little bit of attention to what it was they were saying, she wished she never closed the door on herself.