A natural beauty



Summer happily sighed as she walked out of her bathroom after taking the shower she had longed for, she wasn't able to sleep much with her constant headache anyhow, so she was up with the rising sun to take her bandages off and get under the warm water she missed so much now that she finally can. 'Waking up this early was so worth it,' she thought as she put on her underwear.

*Vrrrr, Vrrrr*

She almost didn't recognize the alien sound of the message received on the new phone that Mike bought for her, she terribly missed her old phone which broke beyond fixing in the accident. 'At least the sim card was salvageable,' she thought to herself, wondering what took her brother until late at night the day before to put that back in her new phone.

/Valentine Hosek

Are you up?

Tues 6:50/