The silver wolf comes flying towards us, slicing through the vampires with incredible strength. Her teeth sink into the one who has me and he screams as she rips him apart.
I take advantage of the momentary distraction and jump right into the foray, pushing the vampires back.
An arrow flies towards us, embedding itself into the neck of one of the vampires and as he gasps, I crush him quickly and effortlessly.
Once we’ve essentially pushed them back and have a moment to ourselves, Sarah stops and looks at me.
I pad over to her, sniffing her, as if to reassure myself that it’s really her. She lets me sniff her and then moves away, uncertainly in her eyes. Lately, the rift between has been growing smaller and smaller but I can understand her wariness.
She takes a few steps back before rushing into the battle, leaving me behind.
I transform back, trying to a get a hold of my senses as I stare at her.