On the surface, it looks like a very childish prank.
A cruel one but childish.
Not something an Alpha would involve himself in.
It's usually the maternals who handle these things. And from the looks of the women around me, they clearly expect to step in.
However, this is Kayla we’re talking about. Which makes this situation slightly different.
“Hand when exactly did you see her?” I question Darleen who’s stiffens.
“A-Around dinner,” She replies and my eyes narrow.
“You are saying you saw her going into Silas's room.”
All eye are on Darleen and she fidgets with her hands, admitting, “Well, not into it. But she was lingering around the area.”
“During dinner?” I demand. “When she was sitting next to me the whole time?”
“It could have been a little later,” She mutters before her eyes flash and she glares up at me, “What does it matter? She hurt one of ours! A child may be young but it is still part of the pack! How can a human child have the audacity-“