My hands are trembling as I stare at the words.
‘…they called you the Righ.’
“What is this?” I mutter, shaken.
My head whips up as I see Damien walk into the study.
“This is where you were. What’s that?”
I wet my lips, “Ah. It’s a letter from my brother. It was addressed to me.”
I look at him, “Damien, my brother knew what I was.”
Damien doesn’t react to the news, “It’s not surprising. When a Righ dies, the other is born with her last breath. Within the last few – Righs were lately kept protected by witches. Parents would give them up and witches would raise them and keep them side from enemies, unless of course they brough them to the demon world.”
I don’t know which part to address first.
“Witches can identify a Righ?”
“Yes. Witches are part of nature as are Elves. They are natural caretakers of the Righs. It’s always been that way since the War.”
“But if they brought them to the demon world, isn’t that unsafe?”