“I’m freezing,” I mumble to whoever might be listening.
In fact, I’m so cold that I feel like I might freeze to death. But I don’t want to be too dramatic.
“And I’m in so much pain,” I continue. “Oh my god.”
I groan in the worst way as I squirm under the harsh hand of pain. I can’t help but be dramatic now. The more I surface to full consciousness, the worse I feel. And it’s the kind of horrible feeling that I just can’t keep inside.
I’ve never felt so terrible physically in my life. I’ve never been so freezing cold. And my heart has never weighed this heavy before.
My heart is what hurts the worst, and everything else is drowning in pain so that’s saying something. It’s the biggest source of agony as I sob. The strange thing is though, I don’t even remember why my heart is hurting. I’m not sure why I’m sobbing. I don’t know what has me so devasted.