Chapter 55- Right And Wrong (Part 1)

Chapter 55- Right And Wrong (Part 1)

Rin's mind was in shambles from the sheer amount of emotions he felt at that exact moment. He couldn't recall what he saw but the lingering feelings from it were still there as vivid as ever. Tears kept trickling down his face so he quickly wiped them and tried to calm his beating heart.

Elise sat beside him and kept looking at him with a confused gaze. She had seen Rin cry before when he lost Mika and also when he lost his mother and sister. He was sad, broken, and depressed.

However, the emotions she saw in Rin's eyes at that moment were far from normal sadness. It was as if she was looking at a being that lost his half. It was as if she was looking at someone whose soul was completely shredded to pieces with no chance of ever fixing itself.

That flicker of horribly dark sadness took her aback and made her question what really happened in that split second when Rin touched the dagger.

"What did you see?" After a long time, she asked again.