Chapter 71- The Way Of A Totally Unimportant Character

Chapter 71- The Way Of A Totally Unimportant Character

Rin heard a loud and annoying voice coming from behind him. At first, he thought that it was directed toward him but when he turned around, he was surprised to see that he wasn't the one getting called.

Instead, he saw a boy, possibly his age standing while getting surrounded by a group of guys that were quite larger than him in size and looked quite intimidating.

"You look kinda rich, aren't you?" The supposed leader of this group of idiots spoke again with a grin, making his friends snicker loudly.

Many looked at this interaction but no one wanted to stop them as they had way too many things on their mind to bother helping another person.

Looking at the boy who was in the middle again, Rin had a weird feeling that he saw him before. Trying to remember, he squinted his eyes and scanned his features carefully.