Chapter 78- Hybrid Clawing Bird (Part 2)

Chapter 78- Hybrid Clawing Bird (Part 2)

A split second was all that was left for Rin before he get crushed by the sharp claws aiming for him. He was at a complete disadvantage no matter how he looked at it. Not only was he now falling down from a very high altitude, but he also didn't have any possible way of using shadow manipulation at all since there were no shadows around him in the first place.

The strong wind assaulting his body got more and more intense as he got closer to the Gate of Licaria. His death was certain.

But, even then, Rin was weirdly calm and composed. His erratic breathing became stable and his eyes closed.

He didn't know why, but he was anticipating something happening. His guts told him that he was indeed in a very dangerous situation but he won't die at all… His end wasn't here.

Miraculously, at the last moment, he felt his body moving slightly without his control. Opening his eyes, he smiled and thought in his head.

'Thank you, Elise. I owe you one.'