Chapter 88- New Skills (Part 2)

Chapter 88- New Skills (Part 2)

The two then walked deeper inside the building. Rin kept looking around him, just admiring the architecture that went into creating this huge place. He was starting to question many things about this place. Mainly two things: the first was 'Why is this place so technologically more advanced than other places in this world?

To be clear, it wasn't very advanced compared to his old world for example. But, it was still impressive compared to Aviresion for example. Even the buildings seemed to be way better than the buildings he saw in the capital for example.

The second thing was 'Why is this place the only place that has these things?'. He assumed that the other kingdoms are the same as Aviresion since Elise did mention them briefly before and while they were stronger than Aviresion, they weren't that advanced.