Chapter 102- First Day (Part 2)

Chapter 102- First Day (Part 2)

The woman's demeanor shifted slightly when she started speaking as if she was hiding it all along. It wasn't intimidating or harsh but still weirdly apathetic even though her smile was still warm as sunlight.

"All of you had spent the first week playing around and discovering the place. You had so much fun experiencing all of the great facilities that the city had prepared for all of you. That's all acceptable since that's what most people will do. But…"

Closing her eyes, she sighed.

"Most of you simply forgot about the main reason you are here… Some just lazed around, thinking they were on a vacation. Others merely played around without a single care in the world and the majority didn't even do anything related to their magic training, their studies, or even thought about doing anything similar to that."

The sounds of shock escaped the student's throats as if they couldn't understand what was going on.