Chapter 108- Something From The Heavens

Chapter 108- Something From The Heavens

"You only have 2 minutes left, Rin," Emilia said as she looked at her bracelet casually.

"Hah… Hah, I still didn't give up." Rin said as he wiped some of the sweat that accumulated on his face with his shirt. The idea of giving up never crossed his mind at all, all he thought about was how to get to actually touch Emilia.

'Should I just use that?' He thought in his head.

'Wait, he still has more?'

Hearing his thoughts, Emilia's interest peaked as she gazed back at him with anticipation. She thought that she had seen everything he had to offer but for him to still have a trump card hidden, she really wanted to see it now.

'Maybe he's going to finally reveal his element to me?'