Chapter 116- Change (Part 4)

Chapter 116- Change (Part 4)

Approximately one hour before this, in another place, far from where Elise and Rin were fighting, Emilia was laying on her bed, sleeping peacefully. For Emilia, these few hours of resting were as essential as her work. She was someone who loved to take care of her health and sleeping was one of the best healing processes a boy could go through.

But, unfortunately for her, a knock on the door woke her up from slumber. Rolling on the bed, she spoke with an annoyed tone.

"What is it, Serra?"

She had her maid, Serra, always on standby whenever she was asleep in case she needed something or for protection. One of Emilia's few flaws is that when she goes to sleep, she basically becomes completely vulnerable to any possible ambush. She tried to learn to keep her mind alert even when she was asleep but she couldn't do that at all.

Her body simply shuts off the moment she closes her eyes and only wakes up when she needs to wake up. A very heavy sleeper.