Chapter 127- Magic Class And Unexpected Outcome (Part 1)

Chapter 127- Magic Class And Unexpected Outcome (Part 1)

Rin stood silent for a while, his mind was contemplating what Emilia had said. It was indeed that wars destroy and never build and it's also true that their grudge and their hatred could be born out of the endless chain of vengeance each race is conducting on the other.

The process was so simple yet could never be cut off: I kill someone dear to you, you get angry and try to seek revenge then you end up killing my loved ones so I seek revenge too. It's a chain of events that can't be stopped unless one party completely erases the other from the face of the world. That's when it all stops.

However, the bugging feeling inside Rin's heart was still there just telling him that something was off, that some parts of this supposedly epic story of how humans defeated evil and saved the world do not make any sense at all.