Chapter 131- Massive Scale Investigation (Part 2)

Chapter 131- Massive Scale Investigation (Part 2)

"The top 10 rankers are involved? What is the meaning of this?" Emilia asked Letum with a confused look on her face.

She didn't get why the academy would let those 10 monsters into this mess. She already had an idea about who they were and how 'uncontrollable' they were so she already anticipated how bad things could get if those were to be allowed to wreak havoc among the lower-floor students.

'They will only make it harder for us to do our work. Tsk, this isn't good at all. Those 10 better stays where they are and not do anything.'

Letum looked at Emilia for a second before he shook his head as if he was refusing to answer her. But, she knew that he was instead saying a 'It's an order, don't ask, just follow' type of sign.

Sighing, Emilia could only crush the piece of paper in her hand and continue reading whatever was left of the letter.