Chapter 139- Taking Care of A Girl (Part 1)

Chapter 139- Taking Care of A Girl (Part 1)

After what seemed to be a few minutes, Silika finally released Rin and put him down gently. At the same time, Sorophi also left his embrace. Her eyes looked weirdly dazed as if she was inside a dream or barely woke up from a deep slumber a moment ago. Her face was frozen in a calm state like a statue and her breathing seemed to be extremely quiet and rhythmic as if she was indeed asleep.

"Uh… So, is this over now?" He muttered as he looked at the huge bear behind him.

Silika, who seemingly understood what he meant, nodded her head and then with her giant paws patted him on the head gently. All the anger and ominousness of her eyes vanished like mist and even the red color of her eyes also disappeared. Now, she looked more like a bear than before. A grizzly bear to be precise.