Chapter 178- Shadow Manipulation: Phase Two (Part 1)

Chapter 178- Shadow Manipulation: Phase Two (Part 1)

For Rin, the choices he had were very minimal. He can't really go back to get some help as that will take too much time. No one knows what Cid could do during this time. So, Rin had to end this matter in the next few hours at most.

The second problem is Elise and Evelyn, both of them were definitely going to try and stop him since they are under Cid's control. Especially Evelyn who can easily overpower Rin if she wants.

'I have to somehow make my way through them and deal with Cid before they can catch me.' He thought as he rested his back on the tree while observing the city from afar. Even though the time was still night, Rin was sure that it won't last for long if he kept idling around.

The moon was sadly not present so the light that could create shadows was also minimal. This info was crucial as if Rin was to not find shadows, he is as good as done for.