Chapter 197- Outrage

Chapter 197- Outrage

"Wha-" Rin's eyes widened in surprise when he heard those words.

"You have the power and means to become a ruler, just like our lord wanted you to be. You are as much of a demon as we are, Rin Silvereye!" The man said as his tone went up a notch in sheer excitement. Even though Rin couldn't see his expression behind the mask, he was sure that the man was grinning now.

"No, I'm not… a demon." Rin quickly denied his words.

"Hahaha! Deny that however you want. You possess the power of our lord, the power to manipulate the shadows and so you are a demon. In fact, I'm sure that deep down, you already had that suspicion."

The man pointed at Rin and said with a confident tone. For better or worse, what he said did indeed hit a string in Rin's heart as he clenched his teeth secretly.

'This bastard… He is definitely trying to toy with me. I can't let him do that.'

"And so, what if I was a demon? Even though I'm certain that I'm a full-fledged human."