Chapter 205- Zeus, The Flying Sky Castle (Part 2)

Chapter 205- Zeus, The Flying Sky Castle (Part 2)

'Hm?' Rin's face darkened slightly as he squinted his eyes. Even though he predicted that the academy already heard about the rumors but it still doesn't make the situation any better.

'Anything I say now might make them even more suspicious. I must be careful.'

"Related to our enemies? Why would you think that?"

"We are very careful with how we deal with such situations, Rin Silvereye. So, assuming the fact that you are linked to the demons in some way shape or form is only a safety measure. In fact, personally, I'm inclined to believe that fact." One of them said.

"I see. Well, think about what you want. I will make it clear now. I do not have any link to the demons."

"Then, how do you explain the sheer number of encounters you had with them? People would go their whole lives without ever seeing a demon and yet you encountered them again and again and each time, they were not there as slaves but as trouble seekers."