Chapter 216- Prophecy (Part 3)

Chapter 216- Prophecy (Part 3)

"Lili and the shadow monarch were... husband and wife?" Rin asked inc complete disbelief.

"Yes, and they dearly loved each other. Especially the shadow monarch, he never even allowed for any woman to get close to him, simply because he was loyal to Lili. They lived a peaceful life, far from the continuous conflicts of gods for power and reign over more worlds. Until something happened..." Eisheth's expression changed ever-so-slightly at the last few words.

"In the realm of gods, power is everything. The more power you possess the more worlds you can control and the more worlds you can control, the higher you climb in the social standing amongst gods. That's one of the reasons why the shadow monarch was the true king of that realm. He reigned over thousands of worlds and was able to maintain balance in all of them effortlessly."