Feng Jia was a straight forward person.
After thinking and planning behind the scenes for so long, she was planning on acting as a relative of one of Hao Yu's students.
However after more thinking, she found it deceitful and quite honestly something that that Vixen would do.
Rather than hide her feelings and try to sheep him in, Feng Jia preferred to tell him right away.
"M-miss, I don't think we've ever met?" In his heart, he was already retreating miles away.
"Starting now, I am your one and only wife." She once again stood firm with her words.
"I don't even know your name, how can you be my wife!?"
"Feng Jia."
"Miss Feng Jia, we've never met, never spoke to one another, never done anything together, so why do you claim to be my wife!?"
Seeing her reaction made him extremely worried.
Another troublesome person...It hasn't even been a day....
He really wanted to cry out. Hao Yu just wanted to be left alone...
Feng Jia tilted her head slightly with eyes full of confidence. "Hao Yu, in this world, fate is often more important that time spent together. Your fate and mine are inseparable."
Hao Yu's eye twitched, "That's not how fate works."
She clasped her hands behind her back, ignoring his protest. "Besides, you have good talent, decent looks, and a stubborn personality. It would be such a waste if you didn't have me to guide you."
Hao Yu took a step back. "Guide me!? I don't need a guide! I need peace! Do you even know anything about me?"
Feng Jia smiled for the first time, "Of course! Your name is Hao Yu, you're a teacher at Shao Academy, and you like to avoid troublesome people." She continued, "And yet, trouble always seem to find you doesn't it?"
Hao Yu clenched his fists. "Because of people like you!"
She nodded, "Exactly. Which is why you should just give in. The sooner you accept me, the less exhausting it will be for you."
Hao Yu kept a polite smile, but was about to explode, "What a NICE logic."
"You think so too right? Come, lets have a traditional wedding. Right. now."
"....I'm impotent."
"No use in lying. Even if you were, I'd be more happy that you were impotent."
Hao Yu opened his mouth to argue but immediately closed it. He knew, deep in his heart that nothing he said would get through to her.
"Let me think about it."
He could only delay and look for other solutions.