(XL) The Legion

Kain tossed the stack of papers on the table in front of Jackson, "Read." Jackson reached out with a gloved hand, picking up several sheets and looking over them, "...Why me?" He muttered under his breath after reading through every page slowly over ten minutes. His face went blank, turning pale while his mind drifted into another world entirely.

The young man stared off into space as images passed by his vision like waves hitting shorelines. They came faster and quicker until, finally, everything began slowing down.

It wasn't that the Climbers who attempted the Solo Route weren't progressing through God's Tower; it was just a dark secret hidden away from everyone.

The Seraphin family had been Climbers for ages, spanning back numerous generations. The last member of The Legion of the Last Age was his grandmother, "What about my father..?" Jackson asked, looking up at the older man.

"Shayla wanted Krige to join The Legion, but at the last minute, he refused and became the Co-Founder of the Guild, Zaxocid, whose current Guild Master was his best friend and current master of Tetraktys." Kain explained, turning behind him and grabbing another stack of papers containing all the information about Krige and throwing it on the table.

"Tetraktys..." Jackson sighed, shaking his head and flipping through the pages about his father.

"You shouldn't even be on their radar yet; why did Shayla allow you to complete your assessment after Viktoria Snow..? Has she finally gone senile in her old age?" Kain asked as Jackson explained the events from ten years ago, how his grandmother had been presumed dead, and his life growing up in the orphanage.


After Jackson finished telling everything about himself, he fell silent for several seconds; his mind had suddenly cleared, as waves of every emotion flooded his heart. Telling the story had awakened something within his mind; No longer would he feel pity or anger toward anyone; no, now nothing existed inside of him other than determination. It felt so liberating to reach this realization.

"So I'm going up God's Tower alone, but The Legion is supposed to help... How does this make sense?" Jackson questioned.

"It's nothing more than a give-and-take relationship, Jackson. We will give you information regarding the floors you will face, and in return, you will do something for The Legion. You finish the task, and we will provide you with all the necessary items and information to complete the challenges.

You'll receive a handler who will relay information to you from Headquarters. After you complete the task, they will send it to your apartment in Duskgate." Kain explained, standing up, pulling out the contract, and throwing a pen on the table in front of Jackson.

"What about Sub-Scenarios and Challenge Modifications?" Jackson asked, grabbing the contract and reading it over.

"You can just ignore the Sub-Scenarios, and what do you mean Challenge Modifications? No one on the Solo Route has ever received a Challenge Modification before...?" Kain asked, tilting his head and crossing his arms.

"Then this contract is useless to me; I've had modified challenges on every floor..." Jackson sighed, throwing the contact back on the table and leaning back in his chair, "I guess the third option is a bust as well..."

"Are you serious? What were they? How did you activate them?!?" Kain asked excitedly, taking a step forward with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I think I might have a fourth option..." Jackson smirked as he leaned forward, instantly an idea popping in his head, "I'd have said no to your contract regardless; I have my own source of information that I trust far more than I do your word, no offense."

"What's this fourth option you speak of then..?" Kain asked, rubbing his chin as he leaned against his desk again.

"It seems I was on the right track in tackling this Solo Route challenge as I have already started building my own team to operate outside of God's Tower for me... Instead of completing tasks for The Legion, how about I trade information to you about the Solo Route modified challenges in case your people ever need it. In exchange, you will collect any information that I may need or favors for my own people."

"Like father like son, huh..?" Kain muttered under his breath before nodding in agreement, extending his hand, "We have a deal!"

Jackson stood, shaking his hand firmly, "Now, how am I supposed to get through The Syndicate so I can get past The Jackal to get to the Sixth Floor?"


Jackson had returned to Duskgate following his meeting with Kain. When he arrived at his apartment, he noticed two Skillbooks on his bed and a folded note lying on top. He grinned as he walked over, picking up the letter and opening it, 'Your stuff is hot! Enjoy!'

Below the letters was a key taped to the note and a bright red lipstick mark. Jackson removed the key and turned it over, revealing a white number eight painted on it, muttering, "Hot indeed... We're ahead of schedule!"

He tossed the note on the bed, pocketing the key, and picking both Skillbooks. These were essential if one wished to use Amelia's absurd equipment without killing yourself. She came from an extended family of smiths, craftsmen, jewelers, and now a mechanic, who have all improved on their predecessors' work, resulting in top-of-the-line quality.

However, her predecessors had yet to imagine the advancements her mechanical genius would result in her family's weapons and armor being considered among the most potent items known on Terra.

The only downside was that their use became so difficult to use and learn, resulting in the family name being used to build creations for The Climber's Association.

Jackson sat on the bed, placing both Skillbooks on his lap as he ran his fingers carefully along the intricate silver trim flowing beautifully across the deep navy and vibrant crimson covers.

He opened both covers, reading their titles with a massive grin on his face:

"Swift Phantom of the Twin Moon Assassin"

"Timeless Rage of the Meteor Behemoth"