(XLV) Spy

Jackson returned to his apartment, grabbed his small number of belongings, and threw them into his Gobbii Bag, returning the keys to the landlord a week before his next payment would have been due. He returned to the plaza, making a small stop and claiming the entire top floor of the building as his before walking back to the tower's entrance and stepping through the disorienting portal to Port Ilasa.

He returned in the late evening, passing by several other people headed home after their long day's work as he strolled slowly through the streets leading toward the Port District. He needed to meet with The Dingo regarding going to the next floor.

Even at these twilight hours, the port was bustling with activity, and it didn't seem like anything had the power to change it, regardless of whether it was night or day. Most likely due to its location within a heavily populated city, partly due to most people refusing to climb higher or being unable to ascend to the next floor.

After walking for ten minutes without seeing any familiar faces, he turned down one alley that led deeper inside the city center, following along until reaching an old warehouse, where he stopped outside and leaned against a wall beside a large dumpster.

A couple of guys walked past nearby, talking loudly about how they wanted more money so they could buy food tonight, ignoring him completely; no doubt just some poor brats playing around as he effortlessly pushed the dumpster, revealing a hidden entrance.

Jackson crouched down, entering and returning the dumpster to its previous position before standing up and looking around the dark, dusty warehouse. A few wooden crates were scattered across the dirty, sandy ground, and several rusty barrels were sitting here and there, but nothing of much interest appeared from where he stood.

As expected. This place was meant for something other than exploring...

"Hello?" He called out quietly to only receive silence in response. Jackson slowly began walking across the room, locating and climbing the stairs, making sure not to miss any spots that could trigger traps. It took thirty seconds to reach the top landing, where another set of doors awaited down a long corridor.

He opened the door to see The Dingo leaning against the desk with his legs and arms crossed as he smiled at him, "Ah, Jackson! Good to see you again! I was wondering when you were going to return! It's been almost 48 hours since you completed that request! Where have you been?"

"Busy outside the tower, it doesn't matter. I want to meet The Jackal, set it up." Jackson coldly replied, glaring into the smiling man's eyes.

"My, my, my! You sure have changed a lot since I last saw you! You used to be meek! What happened?" The Dingo asked, walking around his desk and taking a seat.

"I met with Kain; we're done here, now set up the meeting or I spread a rather nasty rumor..."

"Kain, huh..?" The suited man said, staring off into space for a moment, "Fine, I'll set the meeting, but don't think I'm not done with you! I have friends in Duskgate, and they said there's this quaint orphanage with a fascinating girl there...

Jackson gritted his teeth, taking a step forward as he reached up, grabbing one of the hilts of his sword, "Don't even think about it you asshole!"

"Hey, now!" The Dingo smirked, raising both hands in defeat, "I just wanted to meet my new friend's friends, is all! As long as we're still friends, they're still my friends, capiche?" The man grinned, refusing to back down.

"You had best not lay a finger on her..." Jackson growled, glaring at him.

"As long as you continue to play nice, there's nothing to worry about." The Dingo smirked, sliding a folded piece of paper across his desk, "Here, location and time. Don't be even a second late; you won't receive another appointment."

Jackson snatched the paper and exited the room, slamming it shut. He stormed down the hallway, stuffing the note in his jacket as he descended the stairs.

In the large warehouse, he walked past a stack of crates, unleashing his anger, punching the dusty wooden box, and shattering it into hundreds of tiny splinters.

He walked directly toward an old closed bay door as he unleashed another punch, launching it off its hinges, crashing into the building across the street, and destroying a massive portion of the wall.

The Dingo angrily stared as Jackson stormed out of the warehouse, watching from a window in his office, turning his head and speaking to the nearby shadowed corner, "Notify the boss that he has a VIP on their way."

The only confirmation he received was a slight shuffle of feet as the entity in the shadow disappeared. The man slicked his greasy hair back as he watched Jackson disappear down the street, reaching into his pocket and pulling a small device that nestled perfectly in his palm.

The edges had rubber grips with grooves for his fingers to comfortably hold while in use.

He pressed the larger of three buttons as the screen above lit up as a line slid horizontally across it and began to wildly spike up and down as he spoke, "Get me a meeting with Kain!"

"Copy." A voice replied as The Dingo lowered his hand, his eyes filled with anger as he gritted his teeth, muttering under his breath, "Someone must have talked... Neither The Syndicate nor The Legion should suspect anything..."


Jackson strode through the streets in a hurry; he could finally leave Ilasa Port, go to the next floor, and continue his journey. His eyes darted left and right as he remained vigilant, trying his hardest to avoid Viktoria.

Unfortunately, his destination was conveniently located in the central plaza in the Castle District. He approached the plaza, peeking his head around the corner and sighing in relief when he didn't see Gabriel or Viktoria.

He checked the vicinity one last time and merged with a crowd as they crossed the plaza, 'Come on...' Jackson pleaded in his mind, his eyes locked on the stoop a dozen meters away.

Once they started walking in a different direction, he started walking quickly toward the door, climbing up the stairs, and as he reached for the door handle, the loudest, most unpleasant screech rang out behind him.

"Jackson! There you are!! I see you have your swords!!"