Call Me Uncle

On Monday, Jiang Ling'er was delayed from attending school due to personal matters. She arrived at the school close to 11 am and was promptly intercepted by Li Yu.

Jiang Ling'er felt a bit puzzled by Li Yu's presence. She addressed him cautiously, "Li... Mr. Li."

Li Yu's eyes held a hint of mockery as he corrected her, "Don't call me Mr. Li, it sounds too distant. Call me uncle."

Confused by Li Yu's sudden appearance, Jiang Ling'er couldn't help but feel a headache. She asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"First, tell me why you came so late," Li Yu inquired.

Li Yu had been waiting like a fool for over two hours.

Jiang Ling'er didn't conceal anything and responded honestly, "I was invited to make a guest appearance in Jiang Chun, so I arrived late. But I informed the class teacher."