Losing the Gamble

Little Six remained composed as he continued, "Perhaps it wasn't Bai Xue's initial idea, but in the end, she reaped the most benefits from this situation. It not only strained the relationship between Yue Ling and Jiang Ling'er but also suppressed Jiang Ling'er herself. Bai Xue not only gets to enjoy the drama but also emerges unscathed, with a few more admirers."

Old Wang protested, "Little Six, can you stop painting Bai Xue in such a negative light? You haven't even interacted with her, so how can you judge her character? Clearly, this situation resulted from Yue Ling's own mistakes, so it's unfair to blame Bai Xue."

Little Six responded with sarcasm, "You're right. Yue Ling thought she was clever, believing that by pleasing Bai Xue, she'd earn Li Yan's favor. Unfortunately, Yue Ling lost that gamble."