Sabotage Your Own Future

Little Six cast a concerned look at Old Wang. They had been friends for many years, and he felt it was his duty to offer some advice. Speaking earnestly, he said, "You're disregarding the potential consequences of your actions. You might find momentary satisfaction in satisfying your vanity, but what are you truly gaining from all this? You're essentially sabotaging your own future."

Old Wang dismissively responded, "It's not that serious. We have freedom of speech in our country, after all."

Little Six, seeing Old Wang's unapologetic attitude, asserted, "Whether there are consequences or not depends on whether someone decides to deal with you."

Old Wang chuckled and said, "Bai Xue isn't as bad as you make her out to be."

Little Six straightforwardly stated, "Good or bad is not my concern. As long as she doesn't provoke me, I don't care."