Preventing Unexpected Complications

Jiang Ling'er frowned and responded, "Dad, this is something you should decide on your own. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to tell Grandpa, considering the circumstances. Besides, I'm not sure how to handle this."

This matter might anger her grandfather to death. Jiang Ling'er would definitely not do it.

Jiang Hua contemplated this for a moment and then said, "Since the news has already been leaked, it's best to inform him as soon as possible to prevent any unexpected complications."

Jiang Ling'er nodded and inquired, "What's your plan, Dad?"

Jiang Hua thought for a moment before deciding, "I have a crucial meeting scheduled for tonight that I can't postpone. I'll speak to Father afterward. We shouldn't rush this matter, especially since Jiang Jun might react impulsively."

Jiang Ling'er offered, "That sounds like a good plan. What can I do to help?"