Being Misunderstood For So Long

Jiang Ling'er said, "Aunt Wang, I've been wrongly accused for so long, and everyone thinks I'm a homewrecker. Bai Xue, in her quest to show off her status in the Li family, has sent me so many things. If I don't leave myself a way out, how can I ever marry someone else? Everyone will tell my future husband that I used to be a home-wrecker."

Mrs. Wang sighed lightly, understanding the predicament. She knew that a girl's reputation could be easily tarnished, and even if it could be hidden for a while, it would eventually come out. It would be challenging for Jiang Ling'er to establish herself in her future husband's family. Wang Ying said, "Ling'er, I'm sorry. It's my fault for not handling this matter properly."