Why Are You Calling So Early?

Bai Xue took off her high heels. She was still experiencing discomfort in a certain part of her body.

She walked gingerly into the bedroom, found the contraceptive pills, and took two of them. Then she retrieved some anti-inflammatory ointment and headed into the bathroom.

After a simple shower, Bai Xue felt less fatigued, but the discomfort in that certain area didn't subside much. She lay down on the bed carefully, feeling wronged and couldn't help but cry. If Li Yan had been with her all along, Jiang Jun couldn't have done what he did.

While Bai Xue was in distress, her phone started ringing. When she saw the caller ID, she felt a rush of anxiety. She quickly wiped her tears, adjusted her tone, and answered the phone, pretending to be half-asleep, "Li Yan, why are you calling so early? What's up?"

"It's already so late. Why aren't you up yet?" Li Yan asked.