Trending Again

Little Six listened to Jiang Ling'er's words, and thought to himself that women's money was too easy to earn!


After lunch, Jiang Ling'er and Wen Nuan took a walk around the campus.

Wen Nuan looked at her phone and suddenly exclaimed.

She said, "Ling'er, Ling'er, look, it's trending again. This picture of you is so gorgeous."

Jiang Ling'er looked over, her face somewhat embarrassed.

She said, "Um... is that really me?"

Was she really making such a fierce expression while eating cake? And why was there a picture of her and Li Yu together? What was the photographer's intent? Such images could lead to serious misunderstandings.

Wen Nuan didn't notice Jiang Ling'er's expression. She said, "Ling'er, did something upset you back then, or did you just hate the cake?"